For Members – By Members

Do you see a tutorial that says coming soon or one that is old or outdated? Become a PRO member to submit your tutorial for this page and help our community learn and grow while getting extra traffic to your profile!

Everything Flip

Making Content

Submit Your Tutorial

Being a PRO member with Flip Community Group has so many advantages! One of those advantages is being able to get extra traffic to your page by providing quality tutorials for all of our members to enjoy! Each link will open directly to your clip in the Flip App boosting your views directly.


  • You must be a PRO member.
  • Use good lighting
  • Have good sound quality (no background noise, easy to hear and understand)
  • Only include factual information (if you cant confirm it through flip support or the written documentation on the app, it’s best to leave that out.)

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please use the title of the tutorial listed for your submission.
Please include the email you use for skool so we can verify membership
Include the link to your tutorial